Kemper SmartFil Extraction Filter Unit | 3m Flexible Exhaust Arm | 240v
The Kemper SmartFil Extraction Filter Unit is a compact, mobile solution designed for regular use in welding environments with medium levels of smoke and dust. With a high-capacity 25 m² filter, it ensures efficient, contamination-free fume extraction, protecting welders while maintaining an economical operation.
The Kemper SmartFil Extraction Filter Unit is engineered to provide superior protection in welding environments that generate medium amounts of fumes and dust. Its 25 m² filter surface ensures efficient, long-lasting fume extraction, while the flow-optimized exhaust arm reduces adjustments during operation. With features like safe filter changes, automatic start-stop functionality, and certified safety, the SmartFil is an ideal choice for frequent welding tasks across various workplaces.
Suitable for all materials, including high-alloy steel
Medium levels of smoke and dust
Frequent use
Alternating work places
Exhaust arm requires less adjustment due to flow-optimised exhaust hood design
Increased safety due to filter monitoring
Increased safety with safe filter change
Very economic due to long lasting high capacity filters
360 degrees rotating exhaust hood with damper
25m² filter surface
Compact and solid design
W3/IFA certified
Automatic Start-Stop (optional)
Lighting in the hood (optional)
Exhaust arm 3 m
Filter Stages - 2
Filter Method - Storage filter
Filter Surface - 25 m²
Type of filter – Safe Change Filter
Filter material - Cellulose with polyester nanofibre fleece